Services we offer at our family hubs and children's centres

Our family hubs and children's centres offer a range of free services and access to information, through sessions, courses and workshops.

Our services
Mother and her newborn baby

We offer a range of services and access to information, including sessions, courses and workshops to:

  • support your child's development and early learning, by making learning fun and engaging
  • provide antenatal parenting support
  • provide parenting support, workshops and courses
  • provide information, advice and guidance on topics that affect families with young children, including fussy eating, toilet training, getting ready for nursery, parenting strategies, information on free childcare, keeping your children's teeth healthy
  • support the health and wellbeing of you and your child(ren)
  • support with infant feeding
  • support parents/carers and children who have an additional need or disability, by providing play sessions (to support child development) and parenting support.

We also host a range of partner organisations, including the Midwifery Team, Health Visiting Team, P3, Children's Integrated Therapy,  Child Development Centre, Perinatal Mental Health Team and Dieticians, The Richmond Fellowship.  

More information on your child's development and health, and for support with parenting and your own health, visit the NHS website.


View our timetables below for details of our sessions and booking information. 

LocalityHubs and centres coveredTimetables
NorthSouth Ruislip
Coteford (Eastcote)

North family hub and children's centre timetable - 2 January to 4 April 2025 (PDF, 1 MB)

South EastHayes Family Hub
Charville (Hayes)
Pinkwell (Hayes)

South East family hub and children's centre timetable - 2 January to 4 April 2025 (PDF, 1 MB)

South WestCherry LaneĀ (West Drayton)
Colham Manor (Hillingdon)
Oak FarmĀ (Hillingdon)
Uxbridge Family Hub

South West family hub and children's centre timetable - 24 February to 4 April 2025 (PDF, 1 MB)


Online sessions

We also offer a range of online workshops and courses to support families with young children. These are delivered through Microsoft Teams.

Family hub and children's centre virtual sessions - January to March 2025 (PDF, 230 KB)

Please contact your local family hub or children's centre for more information and to book a session.

Take part in our questionnaire

Help us to improve our services by sharing your feedback in our family hub and children's centre online offer questionnaire.

Have your say

Sessions explained

We deliver sessions and activities as part of the Five to Thrive programme.

Please note: Not all sessions run at every children's centre, and some services are accessed by referral or invitation only.

Sessions such as music and movement, cooking and messy play may be provided within school holidays, to support young families with children under 8 years-old.

Select a heading below to read a description for each of our sessions.

  • Attention Hillingdon
    A programme to help develop children's attention, speech and listening skills.
  • Baby Group
    A Baby stay and play session for parents/carers with babies to crawlers. Babies will explore various activities and engage in rhythm and rhyme. Activities like sensory play, musical babies and baby gym are offered in some centres.
    Baby development and information on Five to Thrive is also provided.
  • Baby Massage
    A referral only 4-week course for babies aged 6 weeks to 6 months and their parent/carer, to learn a soothing massage routine and the benefits which can be used in the home environment. Please note: Babies need to have had their 6-week check and 1st vaccination in order to attend.
  • Forest School
    A specialised approach to outdoor learning that aims to develop confidence and self-esteem through exploring the natural environment promoting the holistic development of all those involved, fostering resilient, confident, independent, and creative learners.
  • Hub Club
    An after-school stay and play session for families to with children aged 4 to 7-years-old (reception to year 2) to enjoy fun activities together. Run during term-time only.
  • Language for Life
    A 4-week programme providing tips and hints in supporting child's language development, using child led play, singing, books and stories, imaginative play, turn taking and conversation. Week 4 includes a speech and language therapist.
  • Ready to Go
    A programme to support parents and children aged 2 years+ to gain independence skills to support transition into nursery, childcare, or school. Also open to 2-year-olds eligible for early education funding.
  • Stay and Play
    A session for families to attend with children aged 0-5 years of age to play indoors and outdoors exploring different activities, singing and story time, using the Early Years Foundation Stage areas of learning to support children's development.
  • Stay and Play Plus
    A session for children who may need additional support with their learning and development. This includes children who have attended Attention Hillingdon and/or Language for Life, children with additional needs and disabilities and those waiting for a diagnosis. It provides a variety of resources and play activities to meet the needs of the group.

  • Be Inspired
    A programme for parents/carers to develop their self-confidence. This course is a feel-good course which provides parents with the materials to help manage everyday situations.
  • Breastfeeding
    Advice, information, and support to assist and encourage mums in the early weeks to initiate/continue breastfeeding.
  • Brush for Life
    Workshops and 1-to-1 advice to promote good oral health.
  • Bottle to Cup
    Workshops and 1-to-1 advice to support children aged 6 months+ to begin to use open cups and to stop using a bottle from 1 year.
  • Little Tasters
    A 4-week course to help children explore different foods in a play environment with their parents/carers. Helping children develop their senses as they experience different tastes and textures of foods. The children will have the opportunity to learn to sit at the table and try new foods.
  • Let's Get Active
    An active session for carers to support children to learn to move in a variety of ways, such as running, jumping and climbing, to learn to negotiate space and obstacles safely, and develop strength, balance and co-ordination.
  • Post Natal Baby Group
    A 6-week programme for new parents providing support with parenting and babies learning and development. Delivered by the health visitor and children's centre, following guidance provided by the NHS.
  • Walk in the Park
    A walk in the park session for parents/carers with children aged 0-5 years of age, exploring nature and promoting wellbeing and physical activity.
  • Weaning
    Workshop led by the Health Visiting team on introducing your baby to solid foods at 6 months. Sessions aimed at parents/carers with babies aged 5 months old.

  • Autism Parent Support Group
    Support and advice group run by parents for parents and carers of children who have a diagnosis of Autism or who are waiting for a diagnosis. Drop-in sessions take place from 9.30am to 11am at Colham Manor Children's Centre once every month during term time. Please call Colham Manor Children's Centre to confirm the dates.
  • Chatter Tots Stay and Play Sessions
    A fortnightly stay and play session for parents/carers of hearing-impaired children to provide appropriate play opportunities and interaction and opportunities to ask questions and discuss concerns.
  • Dads' Group
    A group for Dads, Grandads, and other male carers and children aged 0 to 5-years-old on a Saturday morning to enjoy fun activities, games, and garden play with.
  • Ducklings
    An online course to support parents/carers with a child, newly diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or awaiting an assessment with the Child Development Centre. This session supports parents/carers to understand and increase their awareness of ASD, supporting child's development, exploring strategies to support family life, providing information, advice, and signposting.
  • Early Bird
    A programme to give advice and guidance on strategies and approaches for supporting young autistic children. The course aims to support families to: Understand autism and how children experience the world around them, develop interactions and communication with their child, understand their child's behaviour. There are 8 taught sessions and 4 home visits.
  • P3
    Offering advice and support to parents/carers around benefits, money and finances, housing, mental health issues and more.
  • Parent Space and Parent Space Drop-ins
    This session is delivered by family development workers to provide activities and resources for children and to support parents with behaviour, boundaries, routines and other challenges. We also deliver Parent Space drop-ins for parents who would like further information, support and advice on any issues affecting the family.
  • SENDIASS Drop-in Sessions
    A drop-in session to provide information and advice for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities.
  • The Nurturing Programme - Family Links Parenting course (Accredited)
    A 10-week parenting course to help understand why children behave as they do; recognise the feelings behind behaviour (ours and theirs); explore different approaches to discipline; find ways to develop co-operation and self-discipline in your children and the importance of looking after ourselves.
  • Virtual Workshops
    Online workshops on a variety of topics connected with child development and early learning.
  • Wellbeing for Mums
    A 6-week programme providing emotional support to mums run by Talking Therapies. The programme aims to support mums with: isolation, low mood and adjusting to parenthood.
  • 1:1 Support and Advice Sessions
    Support and advice for parents/carers with children under 5 years for any concerns related to their child's development, behaviour strategies, fussy eating, preparing for nursery, parenting etc.

If you have any questions about any of our sessions, please speak with your local children's centre.

Other activities and groups

Outside of our children's centres, there are lots of other activities and groups in Hillingdon for children and young people, including:

Further support

Find local support and activities for children and young people through our Care and support directory (opens new window).

Page last updated: 24 Feb 2025