Anti-social behaviour

You can pay an environmental Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) online.

Information on reporting ASB for council tenants and leaseholders including ASB on housing estates.
Information on reporting fly-posting and what we can do.
Report incidents of prostitution or drug dealing from a property.
Some people find it difficult to look after themselves and their property, report it online so we can help.
Information on reporting a fire risk in a communal area.
Information on how to report dumped rubbish within a residential or business premises, or on public and private land.
Information on different types of graffiti and how to report it.
Information on different types of harassment and how to report it.
Information on how to spot and report illegal street trading.
Information on reporting residential or commercial light nuisance.
Information on high hedges and how to report concerns.
Information on reporting noise nuisance, including loud neighbours, fireworks and construction noise.
Information on the public spaces protection orders (PSPOs), what it covers and reporting a breach.
Information on identifying and reporting an abandoned vehicle.
Information on reporting litter in public spaces.
Information on what an unsecured commercial building is and how to report it.
Information on how to report an unlit or unlicensed skip.
Information on how to challenge an Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN).
Information on the anti-social behaviour (ASB) review, including how to submit a request.
Information for professionals about Hillingdon Community MARAC - who attends the meetings and who can be referred.