Inspection of the full electoral register
The current full electoral register is available for free of charge inspection by the general public under strict supervision. Past registers are not available for inspection. The Electoral Services office holds the right to request identification from the viewer as well as to ask for which purpose they require the information. Uxbridge Library also holds a copy of the full register which can be inspected by the general public under strict supervision. The law forbids anyone from taking copies of all or part of the register, but hand-notes are allowed.
Anonymous electors do not appear on the electoral or open register.
Sale of the open register
The open register, in whole or in part, is available for purchase by anyone requesting a copy, and it can be used for any lawful reason, including direct marketing. Information can be supplied for the borough or per ward, in either data or printed formats.
Electors are able to opt-out of the open register upon registering to vote, or at any time after registering by contacting us.
The statutory charges for the sale of the electoral register are calculated using the following formula:
- Data format: £20 admin fee + (£1.50 x 1000 entries/or part)
- Paper format: £10 admin fee + (£5 x 1000 entries/or part)
For more information, email or visit the GOV.UK website.