Missing payments
If you believe you made the payment on time check your Hillingdon account.
or your bank statement to make sure. If you have checked and your payment is not showing then we will need proof of your payment.
Please provide one of the following:
- • your bank or credit card statement showing where your payment has been made
- • a receipt for your payment
- • any other valid proof that you have to show the payment in question
Please use the form below to explain the reason for your missing payment and supply any supporting documents. You must make any outstanding payments while you wait for a decision on your dispute.
Other reasons
If you have not paid while waiting for the outcome of a council tax reduction, discount or exemption application then the summons is correct. You must always pay your council tax while waiting for a decision on any type of application.
If you have not paid because you cannot afford it, you should check to see if you qualify for a reduction
In most circumstances the summons will still stand and you will be expected to pay.
If you have received a summons for an address you have moved out of, make sure you have notified us of this at Council tax - Hillingdon Council and select the tab 'I am moving and need to update my address'. You must continue to make payments while you are waiting for the account to be closed.
If you wish to make a payment arrangement you should request a payment plan
If you did not receive the original bill then you can check it on your Hillingdon account. Not receiving a bill or reminder notice is not in itself a valid defence against a summons being issued.