Grass cutting is carried out across the borough from March through to November.
How often we cut grass depends on the weather and ground conditions. Should cuts be needed earlier or later, we will endeavour to cut grass as conditions and resources allow for the time of year.
We do not collect or remove grass cuttings from larger areas, such as parks and open spaces, or highway verges, as this would greatly increase the cost of mowing. However, our grounds maintenance team takes reasonable care to ensure that adjoining footpaths are kept free of cuttings.
If you feel a grassed area near you has overgrown or is obstructing a sightline, pavement, road or sign, you can report this online.
There are many areas that are deemed as missed but in reality it is simply that there has been a growth spurt or the grass has run to seed in the period between cuts.
Areas where daffodil have been flowering will be left uncut for at least 6 weeks after the flowers have finished blooming, this is a horticultural requirement, and will be cut during the next round. Some areas may suffer from standing water after periods of heavy rain and prolonged wet weather.
If our grass cutting operatives are unable to access the grass they will leave the area and return during the next round to try again. This will usually only apply to large open areas of ground. Many sites in severe wet weather periods may be partially cut.
Often in wet weather, the grass cutting operatives will cut large areas of a particular site only, leaving other areas that are too wet and impossible to cut without causing excessive damage. It is best practice to cut as much as possible rather than to leave the entire site uncut. Large areas of parkland and playing fields are also cut by heavy mounted equipment.
Ground/weather conditions therefore have more of an impact resulting in some 'field' areas being cut at totally different times to the edges.
Grass cutting operatives will use a mechanical blower to remove the loose grass cuttings back onto the grass verge from the footpaths and roads if it is safe to do so.