Getting older

Keeping warm in winter

Are you, or someone you know, at risk from being cold?

As the weather gets colder, we are all more likely to catch colds or flu; and if your body temperature drops, the risks of a heart attack, stroke or breathing difficulties increase. This is especially true for older people, those who have a serious disease or are vulnerable due to a physical disability.

The best way to combat winter is to keep warm and follow as healthy a lifestyle as possible. What you eat and drink, and the exercise you take, can make a big difference. And, as part of keeping well, it is vital to keep your home warm and keep yourself warm when you go out.


  • Try to keep a constant temperature of 18 to 21ÂșC in all rooms. If this is not possible or affordable, keep one room warm but pre-heat the bed and bedroom before you go to bed
  • Make sure you have some hot food and drink every day
  • Take a little exercise every day
  • Wrap up warmly before going out, no matter how short the trip
  • Keep warm in bed at night

If you need help now because of the cold weather call us on 01895 556633If you are not sure if you are eligible for assessment, social services will be able to tell you.

How do I get assessed?

You will have an assessment if any of the following describe your situation:

  • there is serious risk of harm to yourself or others and you do not have someone to help you
  • you are emotionally or psychologically unable to cope with your daily living situation
  • you are at risk of being unable to live independently
  • you are unable to look after yourself (for example, you cannot get out of bed, wash or dress yourself) and are highly dependent on others in order to remain at home, or return home following a stay in hospital
  • you need a lot of help with looking after yourself and where there are many different people (such as social workers, district nurses, home carers) involved in looking after you
  • you are very dependent and looked after by a friend or relative who can no longer help because they themselves are in poor health or are getting older
  • you are looking after a relative, friend or neighbour and providing regular daily care for someone, and need your own situation assessed
  • you are registered, or registerable, under the 1948 National Assistance Act, 1970 Chronically Sick and Disabled Act, and 1986 Disabled Persons Act, and meet one of the above criteria

Warm welcome centres

A free, warm and welcoming place for residents to visit during the colder winter days. There will be regular health, wellbeing and mental health support sessions held in the centres, as well as drop-in sessions with guests advising on how to better insulate your home. Our libraries also provide free wifi and access to computers for library members.  

Find out more about warm welcome centres

Page last updated: 16 Dec 2024