Planning search guide

In this section:
Comment on a planning application

Comment on a planning application

The quickest way to share your views on a planning application is to submit them as an online comment.

  1. Use the button below to search for the application.
  2. In the search results, click on the reference number to open the application.
  3. Read the related documents and plans.
  4. Click 'Enter comment' and fill in the required details.
  5. When finished, click 'Submit comment'.

Submit comments on a planning application

Please note: All comments are open to the public by law. While we hide certain types of personal data, the comments you make will not be redacted, which means they'll be visible to the public. Please do not include any sensitive or identifying personal data.

What you can comment on

We make decisions on applications based on planning issues only, such as:

  • privacy or access to daylight for neighbours
  • the size or appearance of the proposed development
  • the impact on parking, traffic and access
  • noise, and other impact.

The council will not consider non-planning issues, such as property values or moral issues. 

Please note: We cannot refuse permission for a scheme because of noise from construction. However, we can reduce the disturbance to residents by restricting work hours.

What happens after you comment?

  1. All comments received will be considered by one of our planning officers.
  2. We may then contact the original applicant with suggested amends. If this is the case, and the applicants makes significant changes, we may give people who have commented 14 to 21 days to make further observations.
  3. Where an application is to be reported to Planning Committee for a decision, comments received will be summarised in the committee report. 
  4. We'll inform everybody who has written to us about the decision. However, where we receive a petition on a planning application, we'll only contact the lead petitioner. 
Page last updated: 06 Mar 2025