This is Me - George

This is me, George.
Professor George Loizou came from Cyprus as a young 23-year-old to study. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science and went on to become an immensely respected Professor at London University, having spent 47 years at the same establishment.
These pictures are of 2 books belonging to George that link him, his wife and his academic success, and which he holds very dear. They are very different books but together they tell us something of George's own Hillingdon Story.
The first is a Chambers English Dictionary, published in 1903 and gifted to George's wife, Diane, by her mother and father (a north London fruit seller) on passing her 11+ exam - of which they were immensely proud. It is a very treasured possession and includes a handwritten dedication:
'Diane Deane, The Fourth Commandment, Honour Thy Father & Thy Mother'
Inside the second book - 'A Guided Tour of Relational Databases and Beyond' by George Loizou and Mark Levene (published in 1999) - is George's own personal dedication:
'George Loizou would like to dedicate the book to his wife, Diane and his parents Loizos and Maritsa, especially the latter, who illiterate herself, insisted George be educated.'