People eligible for free tests
There are a small number of people who will still be able to get free COVID-19 tests from the NHS.
Health conditions which mean you're eligible
If you have a health condition which means you're eligible for COVID-19 treatments, you should be sent a COVID-19 test to use if you have symptoms. You can order free NHS tests yourself, if you have not received any tests yet or have used the tests you've been sent.
Find out more about health conditions and COVID-19 treatments
If you're going into hospital for surgery or a procedure
You may need to get tested if you're due to have surgery or a procedure. Your hospital will tell you how to get a test. Contact your hospital department if you have any questions.
If you work in the NHS or in social care
You are eligible for free tests if you're:
- NHS patient-facing staff
- staff who deliver NHS services through an independent healthcare provider, and have direct contact with NHS patients
- a social worker
- a personal assistant
- a Shared Lives carer
- a Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspector
If you work in care homes, domiciliary care, extra care and supported living services, and adult day care centres, you can also get free NHS tests.