This is Me - Paul

- I've always loved maps, and one of the earliest maps I got interested in was a geological map of Britain from an old encyclopaedia. Anything prehistoric fascinates me too, and the names of all these ancient rocks seemed very exotic.
- A huge book exploring myths and customs around the world - too vast to read, but I never get tired of dipping into it. I'm a big folk horror fan too.
- I've read most of H P Lovecraft's supernatural stories and the idea of a cuddly version of one of his terrifying 'old ones' just tickled me.
- I write poetry, and this, about a Bronze Age bog burial in Denmark, was one of the first poems that really struck a chord with me. The imagery is just genius!
- One of my favourite albums - has a strange surreal vibe to it - and the cover also seems very dreamlike. Dreams are a big thing with me too!