Sheltered housing window cleaning consultation

Have your say regarding the cleaning schedule for communal windows in your sheltered housing scheme.

We would like to hear your views on how frequently you would like the communal windows at your scheme to be cleaned throughout the year. There are two options to choose from and each option details the cost to you through your service charges.

  1. cleaning every three months - 20p per week, subsidised to 10p per week (2025 to 2026)
  2. cleaning every six months - 10p per week, subsidised to 0p per week (2025 to 2026)

The service will be delivered in accordance with the majority view of those tenants who respond to this survey.

Charges for the 2025/26 year

We appreciate that window cleaning has only recently commenced in our schemes despite the current amount of 34p per week being charged from April 2024.  To reflect this, the council is proposing to reduce the charge to tenants for the 2025/26 year only.

Included in the options shown above is the subsidised charge for 2025/26 of 10p per week.  If tenants choose the 6-monthly option, then window cleaning will be provided free of charge for 2025/26.  From April 2026, everyone will be charged the full amount, depending on what option is chosen, and subject to the normal annual charge review processes. This does mean that from April 2025, all residents will benefit from a saving of at least 24p per week compared to the current rate.

The cost-effectiveness of this new approach is due to the use of reach poles with sterilised water by our current cleaning contractor, Solo. This method reduces labour intensity and eliminates risks associated with working at height, allowing us to offer a more affordable service.

Share your feedback

We would appreciate your feedback on your preferred cleaning frequency.

Have your say by completing our online survey by Monday 31 March.

Have your say

If you or anyone you know would like a paper copy of this form, please contact the Customer Engagement team by phone 01895 277038 or email

If an interpreter is needed, see our  Translation guide (PDF, 166 KB).

Page last updated: 03 Mar 2025