Blue Badge amnesty to crack down on fraud
Thursday 14 November 2024: A Blue Badge amnesty has been launched by Hillingdon Council to reduce incidents of disabled parking permit fraud.

More than 14,000 residents have Blue Badges issued by the council. The service is highly valued by people with disabilities and serious health conditions who struggle with mobility.
Residents can return Blue Badges that have expired, belong to another person or are no longer necessary to the collection boxes in the reception areas at the Civic Centre, Uxbridge, Botwell Green Library and Northwood Hills Library.
As part of Fraud Awareness Week (17 to 23 November) the council is also raising awareness of common types of fraud, how it's tackling them and how residents can play their part in reporting deception.
The council's counter fraud team has identified savings related to fraud and prevented the loss of more than £5.8 million so far this financial year and the team is ranked one of the best in the country for recovering the most social housing (103 properties) thanks to its proactive investigative work.
Cllr Martin Goddard, Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation, said: "Blue Badges help people with disabilities and health conditions park closer to their destination but sadly they can be abused which is unfair on those that rely on the exemptions and dedicated parking spaces.
"We have prosecuted 11 people for Blue Badge fraud in the past year with each receiving a fine, and we are giving people who may be misusing them this opportunity to return them with no questions asked."
If you suspect that someone is committing fraud against the council, you can report it directly to us in confidence at or by calling 0800 389 8313.