Hillingdon Council statement on the future of the Beck Theatre
Wednesday 18 September 2024: Cllr Ian Edwards, Leader of Hillingdon Council said: "The council is very concerned to have read on social media that Trafalgar Theatres has made public their preparations to exit the Beck Theatre.

"Trafalgar UK Theatres Limited is owned by Trafalgar Entertainment Group which is a multi-million-pound profit making organisation, majority owned by Barings LLC a US based global asset management firm. The latest published accounts of Trafalgar UK Theatres limited shows it has retained earnings of £18.856 million and made a profit of £1.869 million in the period ending April 2023.
"Trafalgar currently pays no rent for the use of the theatre building and has very limited repair liability, the cost of which has been borne by Hillingdon residents. In addition, the council has been paying a subsidy towards the theatre's operations.
"Quite naturally, as part of new terms, the council has been seeking new operating arrangements as we should not be subsidising a privately owned commercial entity with council taxpayers' money.
"Trafalgar's accounts show healthy opportunities for further income generation, and we are seeking new proposals that would reduce their reliance on grant funding from the council.
"At 12.58pm today we received their notification letter which expressed their desire to pull out of the Beck Theatre management with effect from 13 January 2025. The same letter asked that both parties agree not to publicise Trafalgar's decision regarding ceasing activity at the Beck Theatre until after 25 September and we are bitterly disappointed with their decision to make this public in this way.
"The council has noted that Trafalgar Theatres continues to take bookings for productions at the Beck Theatre until June 2025 and it is seeking urgent discussion with their CEO to understand the reasons for the release of these discussions and remains committed to continuing negotiations."