SEND education places created by council's sale of Barra Hall
Friday 26 July, 2024: Vital new places for more than 70 pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) will be created after Hillingdon Council's Cabinet agreed to sell Barra Hall in Hayes to Harrow, Richmond, and Uxbridge Colleges (HRUC).

Last night (Thursday 25 July), the Cabinet agreed the sale to HRUC for the provision of more school places in the borough for pupils with SEND, subject to the council's usual scrutiny procedures and the sale completing.
The sale of the site will have multiple benefits for Hillingdon residents, both financial and educational and will ensure that the Grade II listed building is safeguarded for the future and will remain a key asset to both the local community and beyond.
The council had set budget targets for 2024-25 as part of its medium-term financial forecast and the sale of the site will generate a vital funding boost to help meet these.
As part of its Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) 'safety valve' agreement with the Department for Education, the council is focused on making best use of local provision rather than relying on independent placements and is aiming to reduce the numbers of pupils moving to independent non-maintained special schools due to the high cost of placements.
This new provision for pupils with SEND would enable the borough to have more local placements available for post 16 students that caters for a range of needs, while also presenting the council with a considerable cost saving as a result.
Cllr Jonathan Bianco, Hillingdon Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport, said: "We're committed to creating a borough with thriving, healthy households and ensuring young people across the borough have access and opportunity to quality education.
"The sale of this site is a real positive for everyone, by providing essential SEND learning places, raising vital revenue for the council and saving taxpayers' money.
"This council prides itself on its financial acumen and this is sound use of an asset that now will enable local pupils to flourish in the heart of our community."
The proposal from HRUC is that the site, on Wood End Green Road, would be refurbished to become a facility for special educational use for young people over the age of 16, with facilities for more than 70 pupils with SEND as part of the wider expansion of Uxbridge College.
When the sale is ratified by HRUC, the site will help to expand the college's overall provision for pupils with severe and moderate learning disabilities.