Experimental traffic calming to slow lorries in West Drayton road

Wednesday 17 April, 2024: Residents in West Drayton are being asked to share their views on experimental traffic calming measures introduced by Hillingdon Council following residents' complaints about persistent dangerous driving.

Planters in Tavistock Road, West Drayton, installed as part of an experimental traffic calming scheme.
Residents are being invited to feed back their views on the new measures installed in Tavistock Road, which include chicanes, created by removable planters positioned at the sides of the carriageways, to slow down lorries and trucks, along with new air quality monitors to check emissions levels.

The council has introduced the experimental measures after residents had raised concerns about the driving from some of the commercial vehicles coming from businesses based in the industrial units on Trout Road.

The experimental measures were installed in March and will be in place for a year. The council has written to affected residents to seek their views on the scheme and will be inviting comments during the first six months of its installation, before being invited to give their final feedback at the end of the 12 months.

The council is urging motorists to drive with care and consideration and to respect the new calming scheme. This comes following a recent incident when a truck driver damaged one of the planters. The police are currently investigating the incident.

Cllr Jonathan Bianco, Hillingdon Council's Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport, said: "We're committed to creating safe and strong communities and being a green and sustainable borough.

"These measures seek to allay long-term concerns from residents about a minority of motorists using a residential urban road in an irresponsible manner. We've chosen measures that will slow traffic without the increased noise associated with speed humps.

"While we're sympathetic to commercial drivers and appreciate they're from local businesses, residents' welfare and safety is our priority, so we've taken the appropriate action and will review it accordingly in due course. Meanwhile, we urge motorists to consider the safety of residents and respect this experimental scheme."

The scheme has been funded by Transport for London.

If you're concerned about issues on borough highways, please email saferroads@hillingdon.gov.uk.


Page last updated: 15 Jan 2025