Information for SEND professionals

Useful information and advice relating to working with children and young people with SEND.

Non-statutory funding

Where support is required over and above what is expected to be provided for all children and young people, including those with SEND (as outlined in the Ordinarily available document), then additional funding may be requested from our SEND Advisory Service, where specific criteria is met.

SEND non-statutory funding guidance and advice (PDF, 651 KB)

Please note: 

  • All non-statutory funding can only be applied for by education professionals. 
  • For non-statutory funding for early years settings only (pre-school children), see EYIF.
  • For non-statutory funding (early years settings, schools and post-16), see ESF and SENDEX.

Early Years Inclusion Funding (EYIF)

EYIF supports early years setting to enhance their environment or run targeted interventions, or develop specialist resources, to best meet the needs of a number of children across the setting. 

The following groups would be eligible for this support:

  • 0 to 3-year-olds where parents/carers are paying the cost of placement or where other funding streams are supporting their placement
  • 2-year-olds in receipt of 2-year-old funding
  • 3 and 4-year-olds in receipt of Early Education Entitlement (any number of hours).

This funding is also available to childminding services who are educating or caring for children with SEND.

Our  Early years inclusion funding criteria process (PDF, 580 KB) outlines the guidance for local authorities and early years providers when allocating additional funding to support settings/schools to meet the needs of children with additional needs and disabilities. It also provides information on the panel dates and deadlines for submissions.

Applications can be made monthly and will be reviewed at the monthly EYIF Panel.

Apply for Early Years Inclusion Funding

Early Support Funding (ESF)

A small number of children and young people will need a higher level of support than early years, schools and post 16 settings feel they can provide from their normal (notional) budget. These will be children and young people who have already received a high level of support within the setting (SEN support) but are not progressing - or not progressing sufficiently well. 

For this group, all educational settings can apply for Early Support Funding.

All applications for ESF must:

  • be made through the application form
  • have in place an effective My Support Plan that demonstrates the Assess, Plan, Do Review (APDR) process
  • have a clearly costed provision map in line with Hillingdon's expectations (see Non-Statutory Funding Guidance for further details)
  • attend a Hillingdon school and be Hillingdon resident. 

Apply for Early Support Funding

Key documents

SEND Exceptional Funding (SENDEX)

Exceptional funding can support a pupil who is not the subject of an EHCP but is likely to meet the threshold for needs assessment or those whose Educational Health Care Needs Assessment has been just initiated.

Educational settings may ask the local authority to provide urgent and immediate financial assistance to help educate a pupil who requires immediate support for the short to medium term for accessing the curriculum, and where such access is likely to be at additional cost to the school's budget.

This assistance may be needed due to exceptional circumstances in which the setting cannot access support through regular pathways, such as Early Support Funding or special educational needs provision through the Education Health and Care Plan (usually where there is no specific evidence of Assess, Plan, Do, Review).

SENDEX is allocated to the setting on the short-term basis and does not move with the pupils when they change setting.

Apply for SEND Exceptional Funding

Key documents

Page last updated: 27 Feb 2025