Adult social care charging policy consultation

The council is proposing a change to its financial assessment for people who receive non-residential care.

The charging for care and support policy for Hillingdon was last amended prior to the introduction of the Care Act 2014 and although informative leaflets are available for residents, a full rewrite of the policy has not been undertaken for some time.

This means that the policy is now dated and is not providing the clarity and transparency that is expected by residents, officers, and other interested parties.


Everyone who is eligible for adult social care has a financial assessment to work out if they have to pay towards the cost of their care, and if so, how much. The assessment criteria is outlined in the council's charging policy.

The Care Act 2014 states that people with eligible needs for support in the community i.e. not via a care home placement, with financial assets above the upper capital limit (£23,250) may ask the council to meet their needs often because they find it difficult to manage their own care. When a person asks the council to meet their eligible needs, then the council may choose to meet their needs but charge a fee for the service.

The charging for care and support policy for Hillingdon has been updated to include the application of a fee for arranging care to any resident who has sufficient funds to pay for their own care (capital or assets).

This charge will take two forms: an annual set up fee of £470 for new self funding residents and a yearly admin charge of £255 each year thereafter to cover the cost of arranging care. The forecast number of self-funders by the end of the March 2025 is 270.


Share your feedback

We want to hear your views about the proposed adult social care charging policy. The deadline for feedback is Monday 17 March 2025.

Have your say

If you or anyone you know would like a paper copy of this form, please contact the Customer Engagement team by phone 01895 277038 or email

If an interpreter is needed, see our  Translation guide (PDF, 166 KB).

Page last updated: 07 Mar 2025